Trinity Christian School recognizes that God entrusts parents with the responsibility of raising their children in line with Biblical teaching. The school will seek to support parents in this task by:
- Providing each pupil with a biblical understanding to help the pupil develop their relationship with God, and equip them for life in society.
- Nurturing and developing pupils’ creativity, imagination, independent thinking, discernment, ability to communicate and powers of reasoning.
- Developing the God given talents and abilities of each pupil and encouraging them to use these to the benefit of others.
- Enabling pupils to develop an appreciation of culture, ideas, society and the natural world, whilst recognizing that these are affected by mankind’s sin.
- Encouraging pupils to develop personal qualities of faithfulness, integrity, wisdom, diligence, patience, kindness, obedience, honesty and self control; whilst recognizing that these ultimately are the fruit of salvation through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
- Helping pupils to develop an enthusiasm for life, learning and service that will continue into a lifetime of useful endeavour.
- Welcoming families from all sections of the community provided that they are willing to have their children’s education founded on the school’s doctrinal basis and purpose.
Whilst acknowledging that it is only through the sovereign work of God that people are redeemed from their sins, the school’s aims are summarised as:
Trinity Christian School will encourage pupils to apply their minds to learn and understand so that their hearts will respond in praise and honour to God and they will seek to obey him and serve others.
“This is the most important commandment,” answered Jesus, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
– Mark 12:29-31

About Us
We are a small independent family school for children aged 4-11 which is run on Christian principles.
The school exists to educate children in a loving and nurturing environment where God is central.
Contact Us
Trinity Christian School
62 London Road
United Kingdom
0118 336 0477